//------------------------------------------------- // File: cnt16_tb.v // Purpose: Verilog Simulation Example // Test Bench //----------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1 ns / 100 ps module cnt16_tb (); //--------------------------------------------------------- // inputs to the DUT are reg type reg clk_50; reg rst_l, load_l, enable_l; reg [3:0] count_in; reg oe_l; //-------------------------------------------------------- // outputs from the DUT are wire type wire [3:0] cnt_out; wire [3:0] count_tri; //--------------------------------------------------------- // instantiate the Device Under Test (DUT) // using named instantiation count16 U1 ( .count(cnt_out), .count_tri(count_tri), .clk(clk_50), .rst_l(rst_l), .load_l(load_l), .cnt_in(count_in), .enable_l(enable_l), .oe_l(oe_l) ); //---------------------------------------------------------- // create a 50Mhz clock always #10 clk_50 = ~clk_50; // every ten nanoseconds invert //----------------------------------------------------------- // initial blocks are sequential and start at time 0 initial begin $dumpfile("cnt16_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,cnt16_tb); end
initial begin $display($time, " << Starting the Simulation >>"); clk_50 = 1'b0; // at time 0 rst_l = 0; // reset is active enable_l = 1'b1; // disabled load_l = 1'b1; // disabled count_in = 4'h0; oe_l = 4'b0; // enabled #20 rst_l = 1'b1; // at time 20 release reset $display($time, " << Coming out of reset >>"); @(negedge clk_50); // wait till the negedge of // clk_50 then continue load_count(4'hA); // call the load_count task // and pass 4'hA @(negedge clk_50); $display($time, " << Turning ON the count enable >>"); enable_l = 1'b0; // turn ON enable // let the simulation run, // the counter should roll wait (cnt_out == 4'b0001); // wait until the count // equals 1 then continue $display($time, " << count = %d - Turning OFF the count enable >>", cnt_out); enable_l = 1'b1; #40; // let the simulation run for 40ns // the counter shouldn't count $display($time, " << Turning OFF the OE >>"); oe_l = 1'b1; // disable OE, the outputs of // count_tri should go high Z. #20; $display($time, " << Simulation Complete >>"); $stop; // stop the simulation end //-------------------------------------------------------------- // This initial block runs concurrently with the other // blocks in the design and starts at time 0 /*initial begin // $monitor will print whenever a signal changes // in the design $monitor($time, " clk_50=%b, rst_l=%b, enable_l=%b, load_l=%b, count_in=%h, cnt_out=%h, oe_l=%b, count_tri=%h", clk_50, rst_l, enable_l, load_l, count_in, cnt_out, oe_l, count_tri); end*/
//-------------------------------------------------------------- // The load_count task loads the counter with the value passed task load_count; input [3:0] load_value; begin @(negedge clk_50); $display($time, " << Loading the counter with %h >>", load_value); load_l = 1'b0; count_in = load_value; @(negedge clk_50); load_l = 1'b1; end endtask//of load_count
endmodule//of cnt16_tb
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set iverilog_path=C:\iverilog\bin; set gtkwave_path=C:\iverilog\gtkwave\bin; set path=%iverilog_path%%gtkwave_path%%path%
set source_module=count16 set testbentch_module=cnt16_tb