
Convolutional Neural Networks. Part 4.

Convolutional Neural Networks. Andrew Ng.

Convolutional Neural Networks. Part 4.

Part 4.
Face recognition. Neural Sytle Transfer. Convolutional Networks in 1D or 3D.

What is face recognition

One-shot learning

Siamese network

Triplet loss

Face verification and binary classification

What is neural style transfer

What are deep ConvNets learning

Cost function

Content cost function

Style cost function

1D and 3D generalizations of models


[Taigman et al., 2014, DeepFace closing the gap to human level performance]
[Schroff et al., 2015, FaceNet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering]
[Zeoler and Fergus., 2013, Visualizing and understanding convolutional networks]
[Gatys et al., 2015. A neural algorithm of artistic style. Images on slide generated by Justin Johnson]

